The Historical Struggle of Kabir Saheb


The Historical Struggle of Kabir Saheb

Kabir Sahib Ji struggled a lot in his life to bring the truth up.
Even some people tried to kill him.
The truthful person always lives his life with struggle to bring truth up.
Let us know what happened to Kabir Sahib and how he struggled in his life.

About Kabeer Saheb ji

1.The feast of 18 lakh people by Kabir Sahib

If we read the history of Kabir Sahib, it would seem that it is impossible but there is no such task which is not possible for God. The increasing glory of Kabir Sahib Ji makes Pir Shekhatki of Sikandar Lodi jealous. He used to plot some conspiracy to bring down Kabir Saheb, but every time he failed, for the sake of Kabir Saheb to be insulted in the whole country, he spread false rumors of Bhandare in Kashi for the sake of Kabir Sahib that Kabir Julaha feast is kept for 3 days and each person who does the feast will be given a seal and a double reward, and dry goods will also be given as often as feast does. On a certain date, people gathered from far away in Kashi, then Kabir Parmeshwar made his second form of a nomad and brought the cooked goods and servants from Satlok (a place where we get complete salvation) on 900000 ballos and started a feast in the Chopar market of Kashi town. Shekhtaki came with his king Sikandar Lodi, thinking that today the weaver would get the honor that people hate him and  scold him, but when he came and saw the scene, he was as shocked as his grandmother died. Sikandar Lodi brought Kabir Sahib from his hut on his throne to the feast site and Kabir Sahib give initiations for hours and lakhs of  disciples agreed to Kabir Sahib. After Bhandara was over, a wonderful Leela was seen there and the servants carrying 9,00,000 oxen walked and the knowledge discussion was going on between the two forms Kabir Julahe and nomaf shortly after they saw that 9,00,000 oxen including the servants went missing and nomad body dissolved in Kabir Sahib's body. Kabir Saheb is a complete God who gave the philosophy by playing the role of a weaver and give knowledge about the salvation.

2.Tried to burn God Kabir in boiling oil

Sheikh Taki, the preacher of sikandar  Lodi had made many plans against
Parameshwar Kabir Dev. In Delhi, Sheikh Taki raged against Sikander Lodi to tell people that the king became Kafir because the king was inclined to Kabir Dev. Sheikh Taki took all the people with him and tried to test God Kabir by putting him in a pot of boiling oil And said that if he survives then we will accept that he is God and Sheikh Taki kept his point before Sikandar Lodi The king was very worried, but Kabir Dev was relaxed and said that let him do what he wants. According to Sheikh Taki, the oil pan was heated that the common man would be finished as soon as he goes inside. Kabir Parmeshwar himself sat in the pot of that fiercely heated oil, but even the hair of the imperishable God Kabir Parmeshwar was not deterred and Sheikh said that Baba must have cooled the hot oil  by some magical verses. Sikandar saw that if Kabir Dev is alright then how this oil can harm me? but After the refusal of Kabir Dev's , Lodi put 2 fingers in oil and found that his finger was cut  as it went in oil. The agony was so extreme that the king went into unconscious state three to four times, Sheikh did not agree but many devotees took initiation from Kabir dev, while thousands of spectators expressed their hope in God Kabir. That's it, it was clear that God Kabir is the indestructible Supreme god. All this is attested in the history of Kabir Dev.

3. Conspiracy to throw Kabir saheb in Well

SHIEKH TAKI was the preacher of SKIANDER LODI (Delhi's king) and jealous from KABIR DEV JI (guru of Sikander Lodi) . He performs many plans to kill Kabir dev ji as the king was in favour of him. Shiekh Taki raged Sikander Lodi to tell people of his entire kingdom that he become KAFIR and more inclined to Kabir dev. After taking two test to proof that Kabir is God. Sheikh taki asked from Sikander Lodi to take one more test of kabir dev by putting him in dried well and put mud, soil and stone and close it's the mouth of the well. If he survives, then we will assume that he is divine or ALLAH, Sikander asked from Kabir dev that shiekh Taki is asking for one more test, Kabir ji agreed and said that let him do so. Sikander Lodi exclaimed that Shiekh Taki is very cruel and can harm my kingship.
All the muslims including Sheikh taki caught Kabir dev and threw him in the well and put soil, mud , dried grass and thorns from upside and close the well. Shiekh Taki was very happy and think that now the thorn of his life was finished and happily returned to Sikander Lodi and asked happily that where is you guru now ? Lodi laughed and said that guru ji is resting inside in his room. Shiekh Taki went to Kabir dev room and shocked looking that Kabir dev ji is resting inside and fill with anger and jealous. 
All this is not a story but it is well mentioned in the biography of kabir dev and our holy Scriptures.

4. An attempt to get Kabir Saheb killed by a bloody elephant.

 God Kabir was tied in the hands and feet and put inside a ground where severe punishment was given to the worst offenders. The stadium used to be like the present stadium.  The king and officials used to sit on the stage.  The audience used to stand around.  Elephants were trained to kill humans.  He was given a taste for drinking alcohol and blood.  He was called a bloody elephant.  King sikander and other ministers were sitting.  People were standing around.  When the bloody elephant was brought to kill Mahavat (the person who tame the elephant) towards Kabir ji, Parmeshwar Kabir showed the appearance of a lion which was only visible to the elephant.  The elephant was drunk.  The Mahavat killed the elephant with spears, but the elephant did not go towards Kabir.  God Kabir also showed Mahavat as a lion.  Mahavat also fell from the elephant with fear.  The elephant ran away. god kabir's bonds broken and stood.  He stood up and took his breath and got bored.  Become too long.  The head was touching the sky.  Light of many suns was emanating from the body.  It appeared only to the king sikandar.  The king stood in fear and came to the field and said that my life Leave it, I have made a big mistake.  I have seen God.  The king told the public that it is Allahu Akbar, who has come to earth in the form of Kabir.  Get your welfare done by touching its feet.  But the idle Qazi-mullahs and pundits started saying that Kabir drove the elephant away by performing magic.  We are going  Saying this, those sinful souls all went away.  God made his body normal and Leo, Made it invisible.  Went to his hut

 khuni haathi mast hai, pag bandhe janjeer,
 gareebdas jahaan daariya, masak bandhi kabeer 

 Kabir Saheb Ji is a full-fledged divine form who is neither born nor dies, it is immortal, Satlok resides in Sachkhand.   History of Kabir Sahib Ji  Leela on Prithvi plays the role of a common citizen, God is very annoying to Kabir Ji, but Kabir Sahib is a complete God.  He used to get out of every crisis.  Metaphysics explains the path of salvation.

5. Hungry thirsty attempt

Kabir Sahib came to Kashi city to explain his philosophy.

History is witness that when someone voices up against wrong, he has to face many struggles.  History of Kabir Sahib Ji  is also like this.  Whe n he came to Kashi, he was subjected to a lot of persecution by the Qazi mullans.  So that somehow their truth is not exposed to the people of the society.  Because he feared that if the truth were revealed, his glory would end. Many people do not allow the truth to be revealed due to their dignity. When Kabir Saheb came to Kashi and tried to remove the hypocrisy in the society at that time, a Muslim Pir named Shekhtaki, who was the religious leader of Sikandar Lodhi Raja, caused Kabir Saheb to be jealous with a lot of torture because he did not want the king to spare him.  Trust someone. He misbehaved with Kabir Sahib in the process of creating his false glory. When he failed after suffering many tortures, he took another illusion

 Hungry thirsty attempt 

 Shekhtaki thought that if it does not get food and water, then its life will end automatically.  Thinking of this, he left Kabir Saheb hungry and tied with an iron wire in a neem tree. He felt that now he would definitely be chased away and Kabir's life would end.  But after some time Kabir Saheb came back to the court.  He was absolutely right.  Shekhtaki's wrong attempt failed once again.  Because Kabir Saheb is the eternal God. 

 Ham hi Alakh Allah Allah Qutb Gos and Pir,
 Garib Das Khalik Dhani Hamra Naam Kabir

 His body was not composed of five elements.  They don't need food and water
 Body is not born of water, not health.
 Food does not feed, so called Kabir.

6. Pir Shekhtaki of Muslim religion tried to kill Kabir Sahib

Skhektaki nahi likhi, niranjan chal re |
Iss parche tai aage maang jwaal re ||

After Kabir Sahib came to Kashi, Shekhtaki thought that this Kabir is not dying in any way. He went to Kabir Sahib's hut with some goons at night to kill Kabir Sahib. Kabir Saheb was sleeping, Shekhtaki told the goons to attack Kabir Sahib. Two goons attacked Kabir Sahib Ji with the sword many times but the sword always crosses Kabir Sahib's body Because Kabir Saheb's body was not made up of five elements. Shekhtaki and the goons thought that he died and going out of the hut and when they came out, Kabir Sahib got up from behind and said," Pir ji, go after drinking milk." Shekhatki and his goons thought that this is a ghost, those goons who had fled from there got a fever and did not got well for several days.Then Kabir Sahib went to them and explained them that this Pir Shekhtaki is confusing you. Then all the people cheered Kabir Saheb.Purna Parmeshwar *The history of Kabir Sahib's life* shows that only he can be the only god because even after shakhtaki's conspiracy he didn't said anything bad for anyone as shekhtaki did.

Sahib Kabir ko maarn chalya, shekhtaki jalil |
Aar par talwar nikal kya, samjha nahi khalil ||

To Know More About Kabir Saheb Ji, 

एक टिप्पणी भेजें

57 टिप्पणियाँ

If you have any doubts, Please let me know.

  1. इतने चमत्कारों को देखकर अब दुनिया को मानना ही पड़ेगा कि कबीर साहेब ही भगवान है

    जवाब देंहटाएं
    1. अविनाशी को मारण चाल्या, शेख तकी जल्लील ।
      आर-पार तलवार निकल गई, समझया नहीं खलील ।।

      काशी में 120 वर्ष तक लीला करने वाले कबीर साहिब ही अनंत कोटी ब्रम्हांड के रचयिता है ।
      परमात्मा कबीर साहेब ही हमारे सच्चे हितैषी हैं ।
      उनकी महिमा को जितना भी गाया जाए कम है ।
      वास्तव में कबीर साहिब जी के संपूर्ण जीवन चरित्र से परिचित करवाने के लिए हम सभी जगतगुरु तत्वदर्शी संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी के ऋणी हैं।
      उन्होंने समाज और सरकार की परवाह न करते हुए भी इस अनमोल ज्ञान को आमजन तक पहुंचाया और जो जो लोग सतगुरु देव जी की असीम कृपा में परमेश्वर कबीर जी की शरण में आए उनके सभी दुख और दर्द दूर किए ।
      सत साहिब जी

  2. शेख तकी एक बड़ा जुल्मी व्यक्ति था

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  3. To kill Kabir Saheb, one day, Sheikhtaki gathered dry wood and made Kabir Saheb to sit on that and set fire to the bottom, but he could not even harm Kabir Saheb's hair because Kabir Saheb is Capable God.

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  4. He is the absolute divine cone who has created this creation, to know about it, we have to look at all the holy scriptures of all our religions and after that we can decide because that God According to the constitution, according to which we should do devotion to God because there is evidence in the scriptures that a person who abandons the Shastra method and conduct arbitrary conduct neither receives any benefit nor attains salvation.

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  5. Sheikhtaki attempted to strike Kabir Saheb with great swords while sleeping but Sheikhtaki failed every time in his plan and was ashamed of him.

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  6. परमात्मा कबीर साहेब को 52 कसनी दी गयी अर्थात उन्हें 52 बार मरवाने की कोशिश की गयी पर परमात्मा को कोई हानि नहीं पहुंची क्योंकि परमेश्वर कबीर साहेब अजर अमर अविनाशी हैं।

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  7. कबीर परमात्मा को मारने के लिए शेख तकी ने 52 तरह से कुचेष्टा की।

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  8. Kabir Saheb Ji is a complete God and Shekataki could not know Kabir Saheb Ji, so Shekatki tried to kill Kabir Saheb 52 times but Kabir Saheb Ji is indestructible.There is proof in Vedas also that God Kabir is God

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  9. वास्तव में आज पता चला कि कबीर जी का जीवन बहुत ही सघर्ष के साथ बिता था ।

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  10. यह सब प्रमाण है के कबीर साहब भगवान हैं

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  11. Kabir ji is really lord god
    I understand it by reading the blog👍

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  12. God Kabir increases his life. 600 years ago, he extended his life by putting a chopped head of his Gurudev Swami Ramanand on the torso again.

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  13. Kabir Saheb's body was not made up of 5 elements, his body was made of Nuri Tattva (imperishable element) because he was the imperishable God.

    जवाब देंहटाएं
  14. Very nice information with well explanation about Kabir saheb ji.🙏🙏

    जवाब देंहटाएं
एक टिप्पणी भेजें
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